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West Side Christian Academy utilizes the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E) curriculum. The emphasis of A.C.E is on learning, not on teaching, and controls and motivation allows students to reach their full potential.  


While conventional classrooms group students by age rather than ability, students in our learning center work in individual offices and learn and study according to personalized levels of learning.  


Students using Accelerated Christian Education curriculum study at their own rate and level of learning.  Instead of following a teachers lesson plan, each student sets his own goals.  He learns to plan and meet his goals and also learns to become responsible for his actions.  College students thank A.C.E for this type of training which accelerates their college success.​

Placement tests

A student entering West Side Christian Academy for the fist time is given diagnostic tests to determine their precise educational performance level in each subject.  These tests also identify academic learning gaps.   The student is then prescribed academic material to strengthen their specific weaknesses.  They succeed because they receive curriculum that meets their need and then challenges them to a higher academic performance level.  

Learning is the constant, and time is the variable. Every child is able to learn at their own rate, and they are able to master the material before proceeding. 

Year End Testing

Students from 2nd, 5th, & 8th grade students are administered the Iowa exams. These exams rank our students against others throughout the United States and 9th - 12th grade take the PSAT or ACT Exams.

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